Digital PR Professionals: Are You Committing These Errors Daily?

Digital PR techniques have made it easy for brands to reach boundless potential customers. Digital PR professionals have perfected these techniques over the years and created impactful campaigns that are etched in the audience’s mind. However, digital PR professionals often commit grave errors that jeopardize creating highly interactive PR activities. Here are some of the most common errors that digital PR professionals commit daily.

  1. Going mute in crisis

Every brand can encounter an online PR crisis. Often, professionals make the mistake of disregarding criticism, negative feedback, or comments. Staying mute during a digital PR crisis can set the situation out of your control and show your brand in a bad light. Thus, it is imperative to issue a quick response after analyzing the situation. Issue a public apology if the error is genuine. Otherwise, clarify your stance with a written statement through your media PR agency.

  1. Not tailoring pitches

Media professionals get inundated with feature requests from tons of brands and marketers. They do not have the time to go through all the information you provide. Thus, it is essential to curate your PR pitch so that they can read all the noteworthy points about your brand in one go. Furthermore, do not send the pitch to every journalist you know. Instead, select a few relevant publications with high readership and customize the pitch to suit their style and expectations for an improved success rate. Consult a media PR agency to get featured in USA Today and other reputed media publications.

  1. Focusing on content quantity instead of quality

There is plenty of content on the internet these days. Yet, only a few content creators can retain their audiences. This is because quality outdoes quantity. Thus, digital PR professionals need to find the right communication channel for their brand. An upcoming business can generate more visibility by getting featured on an international publication like Forbes than posting several print ads across local newspapers. Brands should consult a media placement agency that knows how to get featured on Forbes and other reputed media publications.

  1. Not having a blog          

Every agency for publicity knows that the best communication channel is the one that you can control. Thus, building a blog for your website is important to generate traffic and online reputation management. Besides, a blog allows your brand to build a relationship with your prospective customers, gain feedback, and spread awareness.

  1. Avoiding social media

81% of the people in the US have a social media profile. Thus, social media provides abundant opportunities to improve brand visibility and gain potential customers without investing much. Your social media presence can also create an authentic communication channel to announce new products and services. However, you need to verify your social media accounts for the same. If you do not know how to, consult a media PR agency that provides a social media verification service.

  1. Not using SEO

SEO is the right tool to generate organic customers for any business. Search engine ranking determines how a brand is perceived by its potential customers. If a brand is not on the first page of search results, customers are less likely to find it. Ask your online PR agency to use the right keywords, add backlinks and pictures, and write the ideal headline to find potential customers for any business. You can also consult a digital PR agency to optimize your search engine rankings.

  1. Overlooking e-mail marketing

Many PR professionals consider e-mail marketing ineffective, although they could not be farther from the truth as they have high ROI.  If your current e-mail marketing strategy is not effective, consult a digital PR agency to optimize it. Since over half of the e-mails get opened on mobile, a good agency for publicity also optimizes them for phones. Add a social sharing option to generate 30% more CTR.

The list above details some of the most common mistakes PR professionals make while executing an online PR activity. Hire an efficient media PR agency to improve the effectiveness of your PR campaigns.

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